Recently, with the digital strategies created using social media data by Cambridge Analytica is the topical issue of the World, in both Trump’s election and Brexit’s resulting. If you don’t have any information about it, you can watch the video below.

It goes without saying, this unrest has started a process, with the arraignment of Facebook and the opening of an investigation. Globally, campaigns start with #DeleteFacebook. hashtags.  And talking about the end of the social media has been a subject of much writing. But, it needs to look at this subject from a different aspect. In the early days of digital, starting with Dot-com, a number of products were produced that reached the last consumer, that is to say, our life. These products made a lot of money for America and big states on the economic basis, and when each company finished its life, new technological companies followed. This cycle has continued in recent years, especially in the lead of Apple, Google and Facebook.When you look at the values of these 3 companies in the US stock exchanges, you can understand that technology is not just a subject in its own field, it is a politics-based economy. But after all these beautiful stories, technological companies haven’t had an innovation streak in recent years. Especially after Steve Jobs’ death, Apple is not able to do anything new, Amazon is not going to open up to the world much faster, Facebook cannot make a product that makes a difference after purchasing Whatsapp and Instagram, and Google has similar problems…

This new product stringency and the fact that the technology companies are already at the point of saturation have reached an economic alarming dimension. For this reason, a new story is needed. This story will be “Use of the Benefit for Human Use” in the upcoming period. We need to break our perceptions of “private life and the security of our information” that we have looked at as illegal as before and we care about. -we can produce new products… What do we mean by the new product; First of all, according to all our digital data, giving us healthy living tips, recommending suitable partner candidates, making suitable professional and company suggestions… Starting with a chip that we will place into our brains, a system of thinking that is supported by artificial intelligence is introduced…

The first time we hear it, of course, it is far away, but how many of those things we had in our lives 10 years ago?

You will see that the above topics do not actually take place in the very distant future. What does this have to do with the current unrest?

Politics has a process that is always applied;

-Leak the subject you plan to do it,

– Reject the subject and react

– Examine public reaction

– Several theoretical knowledge and expert advocates for the subject

– Normalize the texture

So we are at the beginning of a normalization process all over the world that data security can actually be used for the human benefit and that companies have our data. We will go back to Facebook with the chips we are going to add these days and we will add our bodies in the near future…


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Hepimizin öğretmeni Morrie Schwartz’a saygılarımız, bizi Morrie ile tanıştıran Mitch Albom’a sevgilerimizle…

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